Regiments: 101-150 - PA Civil War Flags Regiments: 101-150

Regiments 101 - 150

132nd Infantry

1985.240 State Color Evans and Hassall v2p412
132nd Infantry, State Color. Composed of men from Montour, Wyoming, Bradford, Columbia, Carbon, and Luzerne counties, as well as some men from New York, the 132nd was a nine-month unit organized in August 1862. The regiment received a state color in October 1862. The 132nd was mustered out of service on May 24, 1863.

1985.241 Regimental Color Evans and Hassall v2p411
132nd Infantry, Regimental Color. Composed of men from Montour, Wyoming, Bradford, Columbia, Carbon, and Luzerne counties, as well as some men from New York, the 132nd was a nine-month unit organized in August 1862. The regiment received both a national and regimental color sometime before September, 1862. One of these two flags was left on the battlefield, and carried off by wounded Corporal William Parks. Once he died, the flag somehow fell into the hands of the 34th New York. The flag was officially returned to the 132nd. The regiment was mustered out of service on May 24, 1863.

1985.242 National Color Unknown v2p411
132nd Infantry, National Color. Composed of men from Montour, Wyoming, Bradford, Columbia, Carbon, and Luzerne counties, as well as some men from New York, the 132nd was a nine-month unit organized in August 1862. The regiment received both a national and regimental color sometime before early-September. One of these two flags was left on the battlefield, and carried off by wounded Corporal William Parks. Once he died, the flag somehow fell into the hands of the 34th New York. The flag was officially returned to the 132nd. The national flag was probably retired from service when the regiment received the state color in October 1862. The regiment was mustered out of service on May 24, 1863.

PA Capitol Preservation Committee | Room 630 Main Capitol Building | Harrisburg, PA 17120